Address 840 South Spring Street, Suite B Springfield, IL 62704 Phone 217-726-7014 Fax 217-726-7833
Law Enforcement Training Advisory Commission
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Dan Ryan

Dan Ryan
MTU #10
Part-Time Officer Basic Training Program Coordinator

Leland Grove Chief of Police Dan Ryan began working as MTU #10's contractual Part-Time Officer Basic Training Program Coordinator in November 2003.  Prior to that, Dan served as the previous Part-Time Coordinator's Assistant, starting in July 1999 with Class #4 of the Part-Time Basic Training Program, after graduating from Class #3 in April of that same year, while working part-time for Pleasant Plains Police Department.

As MTU #10's Part-Time Basic Training Coordinator for 17 years, Dan has seen the program progress from using computer workstations with VHS tapes, to the current system which allows students to access all computer training via the Internet and complete their training online from anywhere.  He was presented with his 10-Year Service Award at the conclusion of Class #16 of the PT Basic Training.  

Dan lives in Rochester with his wife Shannon, a homemaker, and their four children.  Dan works hard to keep the Part-Time Program running smoothly with only minimal assistance from the office, and although he's not in the MTU office a great deal, he's still a very important part of our office family.